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Jonas Sandberg

My name is Jonas Sandberg. As a licensed Psychologist from Sweden (registered at the Health boards in Sweden, Norway, NZ and Australia) I have more than twenty years of experience in working with people, individually as well as in groups, with different backgrounds and cultures.

Over the years I have developed my own way of working with peoples personal development, on an individual basis and in groups, by using methods like cognitive talks, mental training and hypnosis. These are based on modern techniques developed by the famous Milton Erikson MD combined with certain aspects of old and newer eastern philosophies.

Under the heading: FOR YOU and: METHODS you can read more about how I work with people on an INDIVIDUAL basis.

When I work with people in GROUPS I do it together with health coaches specialised within diciplines like yoga, running, swimming etc depending on peoples preferences. In this way we can take care of your physical as well as your mental health.

To get more info about how the physical and mental work is integrated in these workshops please look under: WORKSHOPS FOR YOU and WORKSHOPS FOR COMPANIES AND ORGANISATIONS.

If you want me to work with your company or organisation, but you think other methods for personal and group developement, apart from the ones I’ve presented above, are needed, I can bring in my psychologist colleagues from Sweden to assist me. For more info about these workshops please look under: WORKSHOPS FOR COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS.

To get more info about the fields my psychologist colleagues are specialized within please look under: METHODS.

If you want to come to Kamala Heights just to relax and take care of your physical health, without combining it with mental work, this is also possible. Then please look under the heading: HEALTH PACKAGE

Licensed psychologist and licensed psychotherapist specialized in cognitive mental training and clinical hypnosis, i.e. hypnosis used to solve various kinds of psychologically caused problems.

I have completed a three-year training in clinical hypnosis treatment for psychologists, doctors and dentists, and also taught in this. For more than twenty years I have worked with business leaders, sports women and men at the elite level (including Olympic teams), companies, organizations and individuals. Over the years I have developed my own methodology in the field of mental training and hypnosis primarily with Milton Erickson as inspiration.

I have organized courses and conferences on mental training, personal development and leadership training for athletes and executives. Moreover, I have participated in programs on hypnosis on television and been interviewed about hypnosis on radio and in various magazines such as Chefen and Modern Psykologi (see headline: Intervju i Modern Psykologi). I have also lectured on trauma treatment using hypnotherapy at various international conferences on clinical and experimental hypnosis. I have written articles and books about cognitive self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy with a colleague. One of the books is for sale on this website under WEBSHOP (see swedish version). Parts of the articles can be found under the heading: Veckans dialog.