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By means of so-called cognitively oriented talks we then help you to change your thinking habits and to get rid of unnecessary and sometimes painful thoughts. Getting rid of such time and energy consuming thoughts you can learn to handle and control the remaining thoughts in new and more constructive ways. At the same time you learn new ways of relating to your feelings and your physical body. You develop your creativity and your ability make the most of your own inner resources.

Using hypnocognitive techniques your new ways of thinking and acting become firmly rooted in an inner part of yourself with a long-lasting positive effect on your life and wellbeing. If your problems did not arise too long ago and if they are not too profound and complex, cognitively oriented talks may be sufficient.

You can develop your creativity and your ability make the most of your own inner resources. We can help you to reprogram your mind, i.e. change your thinking habits and get rid of unnecessary and sometimes painful thoughts. Getting rid of such time and energy consuming thoughts you can learn to handle and control the remaining thoughts in new and more constructive ways. Working with yourself in the way you do when you choose us as coaches, you learn to increase and mobilize your mental and physical abilities in ways that enable you to overcome obstacles, small or big, that you might experience standing in your way.

At the same time you learn new ways of relating to your feelings and your physical body.