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Health Package

Maby you want to come to KAMALA HEIGHTS to relax and take care of your fysical and mental health for some days without booking any of our workshops. In that case you might be intersted to book our HEALTH PACKAGE. If you are you need to be a group of maximum 20 persons and to book the whole house. You decide how many days you want to stay. The price per day and person including all activities and meals ( mainly vegetarian and seafood if nothing else is requested) is 10.000 THB.

One day with our HEALTH PACKAGE can look like this:

When you wake up a POWER-COCTAIL (containing BASIC and ACTIVIZE) from Fitline is served in our pool-bar. For more info about the Fitline products please press FITLINE.

Its good that you drink the POWER-COCTAIL on an empty stomache to maximize the absorption of nutrition into the body.

A healthy breakfast-buffe’ containing homemade musli, fruit and vegetable drinks and other health-promoting ingredients is served in the upper kitchen.

Our driver will take you down to the beach with our minibus for a one hour walk or run after you’ve digested the breakfast.

Our local practitioners down in the village will come up to the house and give you a massage in the shaded pool-area, or where ever you prefer, before lunch.

In the afternoon Jack Farras (yogarepublic.co) or one of his co-workers will come to our house and give you a yoga lesson on the upper terace. If its to hot or raining we move the lesson to the poolarea or conferenceroom.

In the evening videos on themes like:

1/ Yoga,
2/ Fitline and
3/ Mind mamagement

will be shown on the big schreen in the conferenceroom.

If you’re minimum 10 and maximum 20 persons we can also get local lecturers come to Kamala Heights to teach you live on themes like the ones mentioned above.

Before you go to bed a RESTORATE-drink is served in the pool-bar. The ingredients in restorate will, as you can here from the name, restore the nutrients in your body while you’re at sleep, so you can wake up to the next morning and feel good allready then.

(If the weather doesnt allow outdoor-activities we replace the walk/run with an indoor-activity like meditation or yoga).

Also if you have your own idears about how you want to organice yourself youre welcome to present

For info about the price per day for the HEALTH-package and what dates are avaiable please contact the manager Mr Razzaq at Kamala Heights on info@kamalaheights.com or mobile phone +66983769322.

Also if you have your own idears about how you want to organice the HEALTH PACKAGE, differently from how we have done, youre welcome to discuss this with Razzaq.

ps:For more info about the HEALTH PACKAGE you can also look at the VIDEO you find on this website.