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(Group Development Questionnaire)

GDQ is a simple and effective method for developing and streamlining labor and management. It is based on many years of research and extensive application.

Today it is well known and used in Sweden for team development and team training.

Here’s how it works

1 Before we go, we meet again and the manager and the employee receives a short presentation of what GDQ are and how the survey is conducted. (Maximum of one hour.)

2 employee and manager fills in the questionnaire. (About 30 to 60 minutes.)

3 A review of what each group stages means. The result of their own group presented and conversed about. (About 3 hours).

4 Based on the specific issues and needs that have emerged in GDQ – analysis, we tailor on with the group and the manager’s needs. The basic model is that it occurs in various shifts and övninar during the remaining days of your stay.

GDQ is a method to describe and measure the needs of development to achieve greater efficiency as the working group. It comprises both the description of a process of development and is a name of a measuring instrument (questionnaire GDQ). It is developed and tested by Susan Wheelan , former professor at Temple University in the United States and current President of the GDQ Associates, Inc .
 therapy, hypnosis, psychologist
GDQ explains what is needed for a workplace to achieve high work efficiency. It describes the development process that leads to good teamwork and good leadership in the workplace. Those that lead to good business results sjefscoaching.

Using the questionnaire GDQ measure the employee and the manager’s perception of how the group functions. The results say how productive and efficient group is, what it is good at, what prevents the group from becoming better and what needs improvement for the group to be more effective at work. The method’s strength is that it provides concrete answers to these questions, and in that both the employees and the manager learns what good teamwork and good leadership is.

GDQ is time efficient for the customer. It is a method that, by its approach naturally engages employees and managers in a common development towards a better functioning labor unit. It has been applied in a variety of sjefscoaching industries in both the public and private sectors for the development of labor, project and management teams etc.

Measuring with the questionnaire GDQ can be conducted only under the supervision of a licensed consultant. The license is given after completion of a supervisor and is issued by Professor Susan Wheelan.

Working Group and the management’s development according to GDQ, Professor Susan Wheelan

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A working group is constantly changing. The development can be divided into four phases. The group is most effective in the fourth phase. Then it is most involved in the tasks. The leader’s challenge is to help the group to get there and to prolong the phase. The group’s efficiency is increased significantly and it becomes easier to achieve business /operational objectives.

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Phase IV

Affiliation & amp; Safety

Opposition & amp; Conflict

Trust & amp; Structure

Work & amp; Productivity

The group focuses on similarities and to create security and belonging. The group focuses on the differences and questioning much. Group members create structure and strengthening trust within the group. Group members focus on working smarter and efficiently as possible.
Leader: concrete goals, feedback, support skills Leader: clear communication, facilitate common sol. Leader: encouraging greater responsibility and leadership within the group. Leader: participating in the group of experts, creates challenges.

The questionnaire GDQ identified group present situation. The results show what phase the group is and what issues are important to the group together with the leader works with. The group will help to develop an action plan that can quickly help them find ways on their own to move on to the goals they have set.

The method also includes, together with the working group and its boss go through and process the general knowledge about the team’s progress under GDQ and what good teamwork and good leadership means in practice.

GDQ focus to gauge how well known the goals of the group is, the ability to create confidence is, how the collaboration works and the trust that exists between the team members and how to handle conflicts. GDQ helps to create common values ​​and to structure the work of the group. The relationship between employees and management provides GDQ tool to create greater efficiency. GDQ directly answers the question of what individual groups and the groups’ line managers need to develop to their effectiveness. Both the questionnaire GDQ and processing of the results is completely team oriented, focusing not on individual response.

What is good teamwork and good leadership according GDQ?

It’s about the team understand the context and work within it. It is about participation and responsibility. It’s about knowledge. It’s about engagement, responsibility and self-control within teams. It’s about leadership that valued resource sjefscoaching which changes its character as the Working Group developed. It’s about when employees and their immediate leadership knows the elements and characteristics of the development process when they can jointly control the trend towards higher labor productivity.

The more you know about the context in which you work, the easier it is to understand how their own work tasks to be performed. The easier it is to perform in a good way.

The context – it’s not enough to know what the company or organization you are employed in working with and what it’s called. You need to have knowledge of what the company /organization has the goal of all their activities, what their place and role in society, the whole business is built and were in it all one’s own little unit /department /working group comes in. And from this what is one’s own role and mission of the business. And what one expects precisely in this activity by the employees and what one expects of the head? And what are the tools, utilities and decision-making and communication channels they can use to do a good job? The context that is closest to is their own team – how does it cooperates or work against each other, all are secure in their roles, there is joy in achieving results or do it most unwillingly, how do you handle conflicts within the group, where is the boss, and what does she /he is to facilitate the working group, there are really a team or just a group of loosely connected people with different tasks?

Participation – the desire to influence, the willingness to take responsibility in the joint construction. To take responsibility for the joint outcomes. What the business facilitates employee engagement? Increased accountability – rewarded or punished within the business? How can you do as a manager to engage your employees to greater accountability for results? How can you as an employee to help you become a tightly knit group that together set goals, make decisions, implements, evaluates?

Knowledge – it’s professional knowledge but also knowledge of how people work when we are in the group. How does it work when we should implement, might create, do something together? Where is the most common pitfalls, those which may result in strenuous conflict or cold indifference, or in a small but persistent – chaos? How can you do that in a good way to get out of “deadlock”? How can we as a workgroup do sjefscoaching to become agile, efficient, well performing, cheerful and very competent together? Having knowledge of this makes teamwork exciting and manageable. Knowing how that team member can affect group dynamics in a good way means that many may end up feeling like helpless victims of it.