The concept HYPNOSIS generally arouses strong emotions of a positive or negative kind. Many find it exciting and mysterious while others see it as something suspicious. However, when used correctly, hypnosis is the basis for effective change.
You can choose to consult me individually for minor or major problems. Perhaps you are bothered or even suffer from some form of anxiety, stress or burnout or feel depressed. Maybe you want to quit smoking or lose weight. Regardless of what kind of problem you want help to solve, I recommend you to start with cognitive mental training. If that is not enough all the way, you can continue with hypnosis that can be said to be a further development of mental training.
You can successfully learn hypnosis using our three-stage program.
Step 1: We teach you how to go into hypnotic states, also called optimal states since in these you feel an increased well-being and function better. We could say that you get into these states in a cognitive way, since you do that by sorting out negative and other unnecessary thoughts, which in turn create feelings of unnecessary anxiety and unnecessary physical activity such as excessive tenseness. These have previously prevented you from getting deeper into yourself but now no longer do it. The deeper you go, the more you get access to positively charged thoughts, feelings and images, and thus also to the well-being to be found here.
Step 2: Then you learn to rest in the state of wellbeing you got into in step 1. This state of wellbeing is at its strongest when you have reached so deeply as to feel that you have reached your core. The more you gradually become rooted here, the stronger, safer, calmer and more concentrated you feel. It simply feels good to feel good.
Step 3: When you have learnt to remain for a longer time in the deep sense of wellbeing you feel in your core, you have created a position of strength. With this as your basis you can then in a more effective way than before change the behaviours you wish to change.
When we talk about hypnosis, we can refer to:
• method and
• state of consciousness.
Hypnosis as a method means – if it is performed in a professional manner – that a hypnotherapist, who is a trained psychologist or physician, guides you into deeper hypnotic states than you normally can achieve on your own using self-hypnosis. These states are also called altered states of consciousness because we are conscious but we perceive ourselves and our surroundings in a different way.
In modern hypnosis of the type we practise you are an active co-creator in the process you are undergoing and the deeper into hypnosis you learn to go the more control you get over your own behaviour. This is important to note as hypnosis is traditionally looked at as a sleep-like trance in which control is transferred to another person, the hypnotist.
All people can enter hypnotic states but it takes more or less time for us to learn that. We go into these states when our ordinary thinking activity takes a rest. For instance, when we are on our way to fall asleep or to wake up we pass through a hypnotic phase. But unless we are trained to go into hypnosis it lasts such a short time that we fail to notice that this happens. Few people are able on their own, without external help from a professional, to learn to enter hypnotic states often enough, and to stay there as long as is required for an optimal use of their potential Therefore, self-hypnosis often has to be preceded by hypnosis. When you get the help of a professional hypnotherapist, you learn to get so deep into your inner part that you come in contact with the inner peace and security residing here, which makes you experience yourself and everything around you in a very positive way.
To sum up, hypnosis can be used e.g.
• to increase our general sense of wellbeing and
• to solve problems which originate in
– unnecessary and sometimes downright negative and thus harmful thoughts rooted in our inner part, i.e. our subconscious, and
– experiences not fully processed of a more or less traumatic nature.
By means of cognitive therapy in combination with hypnosis and self-hypnosis you become mentally strong enough to confront, work through and get rid of problems you encounter in life, such as
• phobias of various kinds such as stage fright, fear of flying and other anxiety-related problems
• stress, burnout and depression
• psychosomatic and other body-related somatopsychic problems
• different types of destructive addictions such as to food, nicotine and alcohol / hash