About Us
Jonas Sandberg
Licensed psychologist (registered at the Health boards in Sweden, Norway, NZ and Australia) and licensed psychotherapist (in Sweden) specialized in mental training and clinical hypnosis, i.e. hypnosis used to solve various kinds of psychologically caused problems.
After I completed my studies to become a Licensed Psychologist at Oslo University I’ve completed a 3 year education to become a Licensed Hypnotherapist at Stockholm university.
I’ve also completed a 3 year education for medical doctors, dentists and Psychologists to be specialized in Clinical hypnosis. After I completed this I’ve also worked as a teacher on this education.
Over more than 30 years I’ve been working with people, individually and in groups, with different backgrounds and cultures.
Over the years I have developed my own way of working bases on techniques developed by the famous hypnotist Milton Erikson MD combined with eastern philosophies.
I have worked with business leaders, sports women and men at the elite level (including Olympic teams), companies, organizations and individuals. Over the years I have developed my own methodology in the field of mental training and hypnosis primarily with Milton Erickson as inspiration.
I have organized courses and conferences on mental training, personal development and leadership training for athletes and executives.
Moreover, I have participated in programs on hypnosis on television and been interviewed about hypnosis on radio and in various magazines such as Chefen and Modern Psykologi (see headline: Intervju i Modern Psykologi).
I have also lectured on trauma treatment using hypnotherapy at various international conferences on clinical and experimental hypnosis.
I have written articles and books about cognitive self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy with a colleague. One of the books (The Waterglass) is for sale on line.
Jack opened the first ever Bikram Yoga studio in Bali in 2008, and now brings to the glorious Island of Phuket his vast experience, passion and tremendous energy.He truly connects to each and every student, and teaches with heart and love, to believe in yourself, because that is where true strength lies. Jack considers himself a guide rather than a teacher. After all, ” Yoga is not about touching your toes, but what we learn on the way down”.
Nils-Eric Tedgård
Licensed psychologist specializing in
• Conversation methodology and performance.
• Group Development by GDQ, Group Development Questionnaire, a
evidence-based approach developed by a world-leading group of researchers,
Professor Susan Wheelan.
• Stress management through the pioneering and evidence-based approach ACT
Acceptance and Commitment Training.
• School Improvement, “Hattie in practice”, with a focus on leadership in the classroom built
John Hattie’s highly topical research including highlights of the National Agency and
SKL, Sweden’s municipalities and county councils.
• Development of leadership in the classroom by SFIC method, Systematic Facilitation of
Internal Competence.
• Process management
I have written books on interview techniques with a focus on developing the call including the “art of listening” published by Liber, trained over 20,000 managers, leaders and teachers in counseling skills and personal development, organized conferences about leadership in the classroom along with the National Federation of Teachers with lecturers as Stavros Loucas, Gunilla Hammar and Igor Ardoris from SVT Class 9A, Lennart Grosin, (one of Sweden’s most prominent educational researcher), in collaboration with the National Agency arranged “coaching for school with Olle Anfelt, (Swedish Olypiakommiténs head coach.) In DN and the focal point in Svenska Dagbladet, in P1 Studio 1, I have been debating the school with the then Minister of Education Beatric Ask.
Göran Rosenberg
Behavioural psychologist:
For more than thirty years I have worked with behavioural change, conflict management and leadership. As joint owner and executive director I have led a number of consulting agencies. I have worked with personality development for business leaders and carried out a number of coaching programs both individually and for groups of various key people in companies. I have also acted as a coach for sports teams and individual sportsmen.